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# Puppet

See a world through a peephole

Story Market builds upon the results of the multi-talented creators training project, Puppet & Object Theatre Workshop Series, developed by Rolling Puppet Alternative Theatre in 2018. Each creator has produced a story box for a solo performance. Audience can see the dazzling world created by the puppeteer through the hole on the box. In Story Market, creators will gather together and share their story boxes with you. Come and see these amazing worlds.|

Duration: Approximately 1 hour (Eight story boxes will perform simultaneously, each performing one three-minute story)

Performed in Cantonese

Suitable for ages 3 and up

Curators: TeresaLam and Kevin Chio
Magic Box Creators and Performers (in alphabetic order): Angie Au (performed by Kelvin Chao), Cat Ieong, Circle Wong, Jansky, Kevin Chio, TeresaLam, Loretta Lai and Ivy Lio

More details

Story Market

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-12-12 15:18

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