Teaching English through Storytelling and Drama Techniques
Teaching English through Storytelling and Drama Techniques
Type of Event | Training |
Date of Event | 2020-11-11 ~ 2020-12-09 (2020/11/11, 11/18, 11/25, 12/02, 12/09; 18:30-20:30; Wednesdays) |
Location | English for Asia Learning Centre (Address: Avenida da Praia Grande N.599, Edifício Comercial Rodrigues, 10/D, Macau) |
Registration description | From now until 2020/11/05 |
Audience | Kindergarten English Teachers |
Quota | 18 |
Fee | 0 |
Performer | Johanci Bingle |
Organization | Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau |
Producer | Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau |
Language | English |
Information | 83959141 (Ms. Lai) |
Goal | Children love stories and dramatic plays! They provide them with opportunities to develop their creativity, listening and critical thinking skills, just to name a few. In this course we will explore drama and storytelling as tools to raise learner confidence and enabling them to practice their speaking skills. |
Message | Session 1: The Benefits of Storytelling and Drama in the English Classroom Session 2: Staging a Storytelling Lesson Session 3: Strategies to Incorporate Drama in your English Curriculum Session 4: Drama Games and Activities for Young Learners Session 5: Planning and Preparing for a Drama Performance |
Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)
Last modified: 2020-10-23 15:31