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Digital Fabrication for Design in Education: Series 1 3D Printing Technologies

Digital Fabrication for Design in Education: Series 1 3D Printing Technologies

Type of Event Training
Date of Event 2021-03-12 ~ 2021-03-26 (Fridays) 18:30 - 21:30
Location University of Saint Joseph – Ilha Verde Campus (Address: Estrada Marginal da Ilha Verde, 14-17, Macau)
Registration description From now until 01/03/2021
Audience Teaching staffs
Quota 25
Fee Free
Performer Professor Gerald Estadieu, University of Saint Joseph
Organization Division of Teaching and Research Staff Development, Education and Youth Development Bureau
Producer Division of Teaching and Research Staff Development, Education and Youth Development Bureau
Language English
Information 8397 2582 (Ms. Wong)
Goal Discover what is 3D printing and how it has been used within the context of the exhibition. Participants will also be invited to experiment 3D printing by creating their own 3D printed object. Overview of what is 3D scanning works, the different scanners available and a demonstration of how to scan both people and objects. We will also explain how this specific technology has been used for the exhibition. After completing this guided visit, participants will be able to create their own 3D photocopies.
Message 1. Fundamentals of 3D printing - To understand what 3D printing is and its usage; - To visualise how technology has been used for this exhibition; - To learn how to design a simple 3D object or how to download one; - To print your own object souvenir to take home. 2. 3D scanning and 3D selfie - To learn 3D scanning and the different types of scanning; - To experiment 3D scanning with volunteer participants; - To understand how technology has been used in the exhibition.

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2021-02-03 14:26

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