Cantonese Version
19.5|Wednesday|12:00 (Additional Performance), 17:00
22.5|Saturday|14:30 (Additional Performance), 19:00, 21:30
23.5|Sunday|19:00, 21:30
26.5|Wednesday|19:00, 21:30
27.5|Thursday|19:00, 21:30 (Additional Performance)
Mandarin Version
English Version
A supermarket is a life in a nutshell. We shop at respective aisles based upon the needs at each stage of our lives. Shuttling from the snack section to the staple food section is in fact a representation of the process of growing up.
Putting on their earphones, participants will be guided by two performers as they stroll through different aisles in the supermarket, thus taking a glimpse at the different stages of life. The performance includes interactive, game and situational experience sessions, offering an exceptional experience to the participants.
A Short Time Escape, which debuted at the Macao City Fringe Festival in 2019, has been recommended by the artistic advisors of the Macao City Fringe Festival to be restaged at the Macao Arts Festival this year.
Playwright and Director: Lei Sam I
Cast: Lei Sam I and Li Wun Lam
Deputy Stage Manager: Lam Hoi Weng
Costume Design: Chan Ka In
Audio and Sound Effects Design: Leong Chi Long
1. Participants have to bring their own 3.5 mm earphones;
2. During the performance, participants need to interact and walk around according to performers’ instructions.
Duration: Approximately 1 hour, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, Mandarin or English, no surtitles

A Short Time Escape