Based on the original work The Pleasure of Failure by Swiss company Theater HORA, The Never-ending Task of Lust for Failure is an improvisational work with an attempt to allow theatre to grow out of the playful pleasure of failure, out of pauses, insecurities and dead ends. And to draw from that which has failed, new, adventurous endeavours and truly unseen dramatic highlights. This is an experiment with uncertain outcome, for both on the stage and on the seats, where failure is just as much a component as success. Anything can happen. Or nothing at all.
This is a creation and collaboration that works beyond boundaries, cultures and languages, composed by special-needs actors from Association of Parents of the People with Intellectual Disabilities of Macao and Theater HORA, a professional theatre company in Switzerland whose members all have a certified “learning disability”. The directing and performing teams from both places will jointly create and perform through the internet. With music and an improvisational performance, their stories, thoughts, wants and lusts are sincerely shown to the audience, thus creating their own worldview map beyond languages, labels and disabilities.
Directors: Jenny Mok, Michael Elber, Chris Weinheimer and Carl Ludwig Hübsch
Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, English and Swiss German, no surtitles
Post-show Talks after each performance

The Never-ending Task of Lust for Failure