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To promote social inclusion and give people of different backgrounds an opportunity to enjoy a variety of artistic performances, the Macao Arts Festival will provide the arts accessibility services for the programme Dance Duo and two selected films of FAM MOTION (open film screening in neighbourhoods). Throughout the show, professionals will provide audio descriptions and interpretation services, allowing the visually and hearing impaired the full fruition of arts.

Drunken Dragon Dance

15.5|Saturday|15:00, 20:00
2nd Floor, Old Court Building (no elevator)

Services Provided: Theatricalinterpretation

Film screening Rumba
(2008, France and Belgium)

Albergue of the Macao Holy House of Mercy

Services Provided: Audio description (Cantonese), accessible captions and sign language interpretation

Film screening Father
(2017, Taiwan)

House of Puppets

Services Provided: Audio description (Cantonese), accessible captions and sign language interpretation

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Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2021-03-25 21:48

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