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The Exhibition Area of Portuguese-speaking countries, themed “Embrace of Diversity”, invites 17 artists from Portuguese-speaking countries and regions to present a total of 36 pieces/sets of contemporary artworks with creative artistic languages, including paintings, installations, photographs, sculptures and videos. The exhibition showcases the cutting-edge development of contemporary art in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions through diverse artistic perspectives, allowing the audience to appreciate the unique artistic charm and sceneries of the humanities of each region.

Diogo Muñoz
The Trapezists
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 70 cm

Isabel Nunes
Mixed media on canvas
150 x 150 cm

Artists (List of names in alphabetical order):


  • Ana Silva
  • Keyezua


  • Fernanda Lago

Cape Verde

  • Abraão Vicente
  • David Levy Lima
  • Euclides Eustáquio Lima

East Timor

  • Ino Parada


  • Nú Barreto


  • Gonçalo Mabunda


  • Catarina Castel-Branco
  • Diogo Muñoz
  • Isabel Nunes
  • João Santa-Rita
  • Nuno Nunes-Ferreira
  • Rita GT
  • Sarah Ferreira

São Tomé and Príncipe

  • Kwame Sousa

More details

"Annual Arts Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries" - Embrace of Diversity

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2021-11-01 13:18

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