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Yuanfen, Meilan, Yuchun and Xiumei, these feminine names which come from Chinese poems, are in sharp contrast to the macho atmosphere of construction sites. In the male-dominated construction industry, female workers invest much effort, but never get the opportunity to be promoted. Nevertheless, theywork hard without complaint, pushing huge and heavy waste containers every day in the site. They work tirelessly day after day, like Sisyphus, in Greek mythology, who was condemned to eternally roll a rock up a hill.

Following the migration trilogy, Comuna de Pedra continues the series, and Director Jenny Mok worked in a construction site to get first-hand experience. Based on interviews with women foreign workers and new immigrant women workers, as well as the director’s own experience, the production explores how society views female labour force today.

Director and Playwright: Jenny Mok
Research and Studies: Jojo Lam
Creative Performers: Inés Kuan, Nada Chan, Ho Chi Iao, Ho Kam Fai and Un Iat Hou
Visual Design: Nip Man Teng, Tcalu Teng and Kaby Chan
Sound Design: Eric Chan
Video Design: Penny Lam

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, with accessible captions in Chinese

Post-show talk after the performance at 20:00 on 14 May

More details

The Vanished Figures

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2022-05-11 21:50

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