In astrology, Neptune symbolises hallucination, redemption, disorder, and yearning, and represents all that is unrealistic and ambiguous. Its illusory nature can often lead to chaos.
Inspired by personal experiences and integrating interviews with psychotic individuals, the production team has created The Dress Looks Nice on You (also known as Neptune in Chinese), a performance with psychosis as its textual basis and a focus on sensory experiences. This play conveys the story of a new theatre director who gets to learn about the world of individuals suffering from psychosis through interviews with her partner and his psychotic mother and tries to create a theatrical production based on these experiences. However, the more she learns about psychosis, the more uncertain she is about whether this work is suitable to be staged…
Featuring an interweaving of reality and delusion, The Dress Looks Nice on You leads the audience into the auditory, mental and visual world of people with psychosis using a non-linear approach to sounds and images.
Director: Cheong Kin I
Playwright: Chen Hung-Yang
Main Cast: Ben Ieong, Helen Ko, Lam Ka Pik and Perry Fok
Design: Wan Si Lok, Tou Kuok Hong, Kaby Chan and Nicco Sun
Duration: Approximately 2 hours, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, with surtitles in Chinese and English
Restricted to audiences aged 13 or above (adult content and coarse language)
Post-show talk on 20 May
Contains strong lighting, low frequency and harsh noise effects

The Dress Looks Nice on You