Language: Cantonese
Target: Aged 6 or above
No. of Participants: 50
Speaker: Tina Fu
Fu is a Hong Kong-based music critic and the third prize winner at the “A Hong Kong Recital” music criticism competition run by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and Sony Music Company in 1988. She studied music criticism and aesthetics with the late musician Ip Shun-chi for two years and started publishing music critiques in 1993. She writes her own column on, and runs the “Tina Fu Music Critic” Facebook page. Fu has served as a guest music critic of RTHK Radio 4 since 1999 and was chosen as the guest speaker to give a pre-show analysis of the high school students’ version of the musical West Side Story at the Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival in the same year. She has also served as a speaker for pre-show talks at the Macao International Music Festival.
While conducting in-depth analysis as required by orthodox criticism for music performances, Fu focuses on violin performances critique, orchestra concerts, other instrumental recitals and local musicals, as well as performances of Kun Operas and popular songs.
The deadline for registration is 4 October. In case of oversubscription, selection will be made by drawing lots.

Pre-show Talk: Long Yu and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra