Language: Cantonese
Target: Aged 6 or above
No. of Participants: 50
Speaker: Leon Chu
Leon Chu is active in the Hong Kong music scene in multiple roles, including as a conductor, critic, translator, and educator. He has been the music director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus since 2006, leading the choir to perform in various cities. Since his university days, Chu has been writing CD reviews for the Hi-Fi Review magazine. His reviews have also been published in newspapers and magazines such as the Hong Kong Economic Journal, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao, MUZIK, and Shanghai Artists. He has also written and translated programme notes for the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Premiere Performances in Hong Kong, and other organisations. As an animateur, Chu has served as a speaker in various talks by the Hong Kong Philharmonic, PPHK, the Macao International Music Festival, and the Taipei International Choral Festival.
The deadline for registration is 17 October. In case of oversubscription, selection will be made by drawing lots.

Pre-show Talk: The musicAeterna Orchestra