The Art Exhibition for All is back, this time complemented by the Creative Workshops for All, themed around three different mediums. Participants will have the chance to learn about the characteristics of their choice materials, unleashing creativity while conceiving unique pieces to be showcased at the Exhibition. Let your imagination, creativity and craftsmanship go wild!
Children’s Creative Light Clay Workshop
13/1 │ Sat│ 10:30-12:30
Multifunction Hall, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library
Target Participants:For aged 6 to 13
Creative Family Woodcraft Workshop
13/1 │ Sat│ 14:00-16:00
Multifunction Hall, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library
Target Participants:For aged 4 to 9(Must be accompaniedby an adult)
Creative Electronics Workshop
14/1 │ Sun│ 10:30-12:30
Multifunction Hall, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library
Target Participants:For aged 13 and above
No. of Participants per Workshop: 20
Language: Cantonese
1. Creations made at the workshops must be displayed at the Art Exhibition for All and the creators must collect their works within a designated period of time after the exhibition concludes;
2. Registrations will take place on a first-come, first-served basis and will be closed on 11 January.Accepted applicants shall be notified by SMS and will have to pay a fee at the Activity Application in Macao One Account by the appointed date.

Creative Workshops for All