Language: English
Target Participants: Aged 13 and above
Director: Miguel C. Tavares
Length: 48 minutes
Brothers is a documentary on the creative process of the dance theatre The Three Brothers premiered in 2020, created by Victor Hugo Pontes and based on Gonçalo M. Tavares’s play with the same name. The film documents the daily dedication, the commitment, the questions and the research, with its occasional flaws or hurdles, as well as the progress, the tight bond that brings the choreographer and his dancers all together.
After the screening, Victor Hugo Pontes will further share his thoughts on performing arts as a platform for cultural and social conversations, and his personal journey from visual artist to becoming a choreographer.
Speaker: Victor Hugo Pontes
Currently the artistic director ofNome Próprio (My Own Name), Pontes studied fine arts and took courses in acting, theatre theory, choreography and directing. Since he became a choreographer in 2003, Pontes has been acclaimed by media and critics and his works were invited to be staged in France, Germany, Russia, Austria, Brazil and other countries. He has been a professor on the theatre course at the University of Minho since 2012 and regularly collaborates with other educational institutions.
The deadline for registration is 12 May. In case of oversubscription, selection will be made by drawing lots.

Meet-the-Artist: Screening of "Brothers", a documentary on the creative process of the work “The Three Brothers”, followed by a talk with the choreographer