The eagerly anticipated ARTmusing Summer Workshops will make its debut at the Macao International Children’s Arts Festival in a brand-new way! In the midst of summer, the sunshine radiates infinite colours, and art blossoms like a vibrant spectrum! Crawling babies, older siblings, moms and dads, grandparents, and more, all are welcome to come to the Cultural Centre and join in different artistic experiences together!
For the imaginative little ones, it's an opportunity to explore and turn their little ideas into reality. Whether it's spinning imaginative tales, bouncing and hopping, belting out songs with gusto, forming a band, or even “cha duk cheng” Peking opera, the stage is open for all to showcase their talent and creativity! And parents, besides immersing themselves and their little ones in the artistic atmosphere, they can also team up with teenagers and unleash their inner artistic soul! Even the elderly can bask in the artistic sunshine, getting hands and feet moving, and nourishing that love for play! With a variety of colourful artistic experiences, there's always something suitable for different age groups. So come and soak up the vibrant world of art this summer!
The workshops include both paid and free activities (Workshop Introduction). Please provide your date of birth, and the MICAF buddies will select workshops that are suitable for your age!

Registration Process (For paid workshop)
- Pre-registration (10:00am on 9 June to 13 June)
Applicants can log in to the “Activity Registration” option on the “Macau One Account” system and select “Macau International Children's Art Festival” under “Activity Brand” to register for the workshops they are interested in. - Announcement of the Drawing Results and Payment (10:00am on 17 June to 20 June)
Applicants can log in to the “Activity Registration” system on the “Macau One Account” and check the results under “Application Records.” Successful applicants must complete the registration and payment within the specified period. Failure to do so will be considered a forfeiture of the spot, which will then be offered to the waiting list candidates. - Waiting List Results and Payment
Successful waiting list candidates will receive notifications via the “Macau One Account” platform starting from 23 June. They must complete the registration and payment within the designated time frame. Failure to do so will be considered a forfeiture of the spot, which will then be offered to other waiting list candidates. - Remaining Spots Registration
Workshops with available spots will be open for registration to all individuals starting from 17 June on a first-come, first-served basis.
Registration Process (for free workshops)
Applicants can log in to the “Activity Registration” system on the “Macau One Account” starting from 10:00am on 9 June, and select “Macau International Children's Art Festival” under “Activity Brand” to register for the workshops they are interested in. The registration deadline is 24 June (for July events) and 24 July (for August events), and the drawing results will be announced on 26 June (for July events) and 26 July (for August events) at 10:00am. Applicants can log in to the “Activity Registration” system on Macau One Account and check the results under “Application Records.”
Important Notes
- Participants’ age is calculated based on the workshop's starting date in years or months.
- Participants can only register for one class within the same workshop. Any exceeding registrations will result in the cancellation of the related spots.
- By registering, participants or their guardians declare that the participant is in good physical condition and suitable for participating in the activity.
- Participants of the “Family Workshop” must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- The provided information must be true and accurate. False information may result in disqualification.
- The paid fees are non-refundable, and the spots are non-transferable.
- The Cultural Affairs Bureau reserves the right to reschedule or cancel the event due to insufficient registrations or other unforeseen circumstances. Affected participants will be notified promptly regarding the arrangements and refund options, if any.
- The Cultural Affairs Bureau may arrange staff to document the activities through photography or videography for archival and evaluation purposes. Some image records may be used for future promotion of similar activities without further notice.
- The Cultural Affairs Bureau reserves the right to change the activities and instructors.
- Personal data provided by registrants will solely be used for the purpose of this activity and will be processed according to Law No. 8/2005 – Personal Data Protection Act.
- For inquiries about workshop registration or contents, please call IC through tel. 8399 6699 during office hours.
$("#birthday").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", showOtherMonths: true, selectOtherMonths: true, yearRange: "1900:2024" }); $(function () { getAllWorkshop("#workshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/workshop.json", "N", "en"); getAllWorkshop("#freeWorkshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/freeworkshop.json", "Y", "en"); $('#birthday').val(""); //$('#checkBtn').prop('disabled', true); }); function isValidDay(dateString) { var parts = dateString.split('-'); var year = parseInt(parts[0]); var month = parseInt(parts[1]); var day = parseInt(parts[2]); var lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); return day { //event.preventDefault(); // Add your code here //alert($("#birthday").val()); getAvailableWorkshop($("#birthday").val(), "#workshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/workshop.json", "N", "en"); getAvailableWorkshop($("#birthday").val(), "#freeWorkshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/freeworkshop.json", "Y", "en"); }); } }); ckeckButton.addEventListener('click', () => { //event.preventDefault(); // Add your code here //alert($("#birthday").val()); var inputValue = $('#birthday').val(); var regex = /^(19dd|20[0-1]d|202[0-4])-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]d|3[01])$/; var isValidDate = regex.test(inputValue) && isValidDay(inputValue); if (!isValidDate) { $("#birthday").addClass('inputInvalid'); } else { $("#birthday").removeClass('inputInvalid'); getAvailableWorkshop($("#birthday").val(), "#workshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/workshop.json", "N", "en"); getAvailableWorkshop($("#birthday").val(), "#freeWorkshopTable", "/micaf/1/api/freeworkshop.json", "Y", "en"); } });

Macao International Children's Arts Festival Workshops