Director: Michelangelo Antonioni
Duration: 111 minutes
Language: English
Subtitles: Chinese
Rating: Group C (Not suitable for audiences aged under 18, and restricted for those aged under 13)
Merging Michelangelo Antonioni’s meticulous aesthetics and Herbie Hancock’s jazz soundtrack, Blow-Up is a masterpiece that takes the form of a psychological mystery. Set in London’s 1960’s, it tells the story of a photographer who believes he has inadvertently photographed evidence of a murder. Adapting Antonioni’s existentialist ennui to the streets of the swinging British capital, the Italian filmmaker’s first English-language feature became a countercultural vision about the act of seeing and the art of image.
Dubbed as a stylish study of paranoid intrigue and disorientation, Blow-Up is a seductive immersion into creative passion, a transporting time capsule from a bygone era, and a brilliant film by one of cinema’s greatest artists.
Ticketing Informationfor “Music on the Big Screen: Cinematheque.Passion”
Tickets: MOP 60
- Members of the Cinematheque.Passion enjoy 20% discount on film tickets (up to four per purchase);
- Full-time students and senior citizens aged 65 or above enjoy 50% discount (Proof of identity to be shown upon admission);
- Each purchase of 10 or more tickets enjoys 20% discount.
Ticket Office Opening Hours:10:00-23:30(closed on Mondays)
Enquiries: (853) 2852 2585

Music on the Big Screen: Cinematheque.Passion Blow-Up