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‘There is a real sense of spectacle in this show’ – The Guardian

Why do we eat what we eat? Where does it come from? All our senses will be put to the test as we watch Food, a solo theatrical piece conceived and performed by Geoff Sobelle. The audience is invited to an intimate dinner and gathered around a giant table while being asked for nourishing suggestions to feed a meditation on the ways and whys of eating.

Combining rigorous design and stage illusion with an absurdist sense of humour, Food evokes sounds, scents and images, shaping a conversation about personal memories, consumption and the evolution of food processing. Pulling the shots on stage, Sobelle traces the history of food from the days when herds roamed freely to the conveniences of today.

Using tricks and vintage mechanics, Sobelle creates surreal, poetic pieces that look for humanity where we least expect it, finding grace where no one is looking. Brought to stages around the world, from Edinburgh Festival to Toronto’s Luminato and Melbourne’s Rising, Food explores the uncommon-ness of a common theme. So, do join the table and help yourself from generous portions of a feast where thought will be more abundant than nourishment.

Creator and Performer:Geoff Sobelle
Co-creator and Magic Technician:Steve Cuiffo
Co-director:Lee Sunday Evans
Lighting Designer:Devin Cameron
Sound Designer:Tei Blow
Creative Producer:Jecca Barry

Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, without interval
Performed in English with Cantonese interpretation and no surtitles


  1. There are two types of tickets available for this programme:
    • Table Seat: includes one glass of wine and is restricted to patrons aged 18 or above. A valid age proof is required before admission.
    • Audience Seat: restricted to patrons aged 13 or above.
  2. Food is not served at this performance and no outside food and beverages are allowed.

More details


Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2025-03-11 13:00

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