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Is capital an angel or a devil? No one can escape the influences of capital, which takes different forms depending on individual comprehension. It may lead you to success, or it may lead you to downfall.

The well-established duo, playwright Nick Rongjun Yu and director He Nian, turns the classic work of Karl Marx, Capital, into a theatre play. Incorporating abstruse theories with hotly debated social topics, like financial crisis and high property prices, the play explicates the two sides of capital with dark humour. In the transformation from a traditional play to a theatre of the absurd, elaborating various issues from politics, economy and superstructure to celebrity and family gossips in a realistic yet detached approach, it gradually exposes that capital has a major role to play in this absurdity.

Produced by the national-level theatre group, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre, and premiered in 2010, Das Kapital has received critical acclaims from media and professional art critics, and staged many shows in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong.

Playwright: Nick RongjunYu
Director: He Nian
Leading Performers: Liu Xuan Rui, Zhang Zhong Yi, Li Chuan Ying and He Ping
Production: Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre

Duration: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, no interval
Performed in Mandarin, with surtitles in Chinese, Portuguese and English

More details

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-04-26 18:52

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