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As Su Baotong starts a riot in Hanjiang Gate, Xue Dingshan, a general of the Tang dynasty, is dispatched there to tackle the enemy. However, after Xue has been captured and released three times at Hanjiang Gate by Fan Lihua, a female general of Western Liang, the pair falls in love with each other. With the help of Cheng Yaojin, this couple gets married while Fan acknowledges Xue Yinglong as her godson. On the day of wedding, Xue Dingshan wrongly accuses Fan and Xue Yinglong of betrayal, an allegation that Fan has no way of defending herself from, and with anger, she returns to Hanjiang Gate. Afterwards, Xue Dingshan’s father falls into a trap of the enemy and his army is sieged, so Xue Dingshan begs Fan with three kneelings and nine head knockings for her help to conquer the enemy.

Members of the Macao Kaifong Cantonese Opera Juvenile’s Troupe lead the cast of this performance with poweful singing, acting and fighting scenes. Their previous performances Lotus Lantern, Zhou Yu is TrickedThreeTimes, Yang’s Female Warriors, and The Legend of theWhite Snake have won hearts of many audiences.

Artistic Director: Lo Hang Peng
Director: Mo Wei Ying
Executive Directors: Deng Zhiming, Chen Riyun, Zhang Chunyuan and Ruan Li

Characters and Cast
Xue Dingshan: Tam Weng Ka
Fan Lihua: Mok On Ieng and Ao Ieong Fong U
Xue Yinglong: Lei Chi Cheung
Cheng Yaojin: Tang Chi Kin
Xue Jinlian: Ng Chao Wa
Chun Lan: Lei Wai In and Ho Man Cheng
Liu Jinhua: Choi Wai Man

Duration: approximatley 2 hours and 45 minutes, including one interval
Performed in Cantonese, with surtitles in Chinese

More details

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-05-03 19:55

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