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Dream of the Red Chamber, one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels, is a massive hit among readers. Numerous Cantonese operas are based on this popular plotline, in which many famous actors and actresses have taken up roles in this poignant love story. A field of study is even devoted exclusively to this work: Redology.

This play depicts the first encounter between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, both of them have feelings for each other. But the appearance of Xue Baochai changes their fates. When Lin finds out Jia is marrying Xue, she is so sorrowful that she takes her own life. On the other hand, Jia is depressed to find out Lin is not his bride. Rushing to Lin’s funeral, the weeping Jia only wishes Lin can go straight to paradise. Albeit their strong emotional attachment, the couple still has to bid farewell.

Macao veteran Cantonese opera expert Chu Chan Wa collaborates with a local group of seasoned and upcoming Cantonese opera artists to enlighten audiences with this classical play. To appreciate the heartbreaking performance and superb acting skills of the artists, let’s watch the complicated love story of Jia and Lin unfolding on the stage together.

Executive Producer and Director: Chu Chan Wa

Characters and Cast
Jia Baoyu: Chu Chan Wa, Un Son Kun, Loc Vai Kiong, Li Fong I and Lam Mio Chu
Lin Daiyu: Sou Lai Ieng, Che Pui San, Iek Lai Kun and Vong Pek Si
Xue Baochai: Wong Mui Fan

Duration: approximately 3 hours, including one interval
Performed in Cantonese, with surtitles in Chinese

More details

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-05-18 22:12

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