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Training programme for Education on activity promotion (Modular 2) – Curriculum, Teaching, Management and Development of School Leisure Activities

Training programme for Education on activity promotion (Modular 2) – Curriculum, Teaching, Management and Development of School Leisure Activities

Type of Event Training
Date of Event 2018-05-21 ~ 2018-06-08 (Monday-Friday: 18:30-21:30, Saturday:14:30-17:30)
Location Escola Luso-Chinesa Tecnico-Profissional (Room 404)
Registration description From now until 2018/05/10 (Mondays to Fridays, 10:30 – 19:00)
Audience Registered Activity Promotion Staff (Priority will be given to the registered Activity Promotion Staff )
Quota 25 25
Fee Free
Performer Dr. Leung Yuikei , Dr Ho Kingyan, Dr. Wong Pingming, Dr. Chan Tsanming, Dr. John Saunders & Mr. Lam Waichoi, Ms. Wong Kin (Guest Lecturer)
Organization Division of School Sports and Youth Activities, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Producer Division of School Sports and Youth Activities, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Language Chinese
Information 8397 2626 (Ms.Lei Im Kei)、8395 9121(Ms. Sio Fong Io)
Goal Understand the curriculum and teaching methodology of leisure activities, relationship with other subjects, management style, leadership development in students, and the application of relevant knowledge in enhancing whole person development for students.
Message 1. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology of Leisure Activities 2. Leadership Development and Leisure Activities 3. Management and Development of School Leisure Activities

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2018-03-28 18:16

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