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With a history of 470 years, the Staatskapelle Dresden is one of the world's oldest orchestra, a leading interpreter of German and Austrian music. Its principal conductor, Christian Thielemann, with his precise grasp of classical music, is one of the most sought-after conductor in the world and deemed the heir of German classical music.

Led by Thielemann, the orchestra will present the complete symphonies by Schumann, the most romantic German composer of the 19th century. Full of Schumann's unique lyrical nature, the poetic Spring Symphony, the enchanting Rhenish Symphony and the ardent and magnificent Symphony No. 4 will be reinterpreted by the Staatskapelle Dresden, bringing back the sentiments, exceptional and innovative musicality of Schumann and the meticulous and substantial texture of the German romantic symphonies.

Duration: approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, including one interval

R. Schumann
Symphony No. 1 in B-flat Major, op. 38 ("Spring")
Symphony No. 2 in C Major, op. 61

R. Schumann
Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major, op. 97 ("Rhenish")
Symphony No. 4 in D Minor, op. 120

Conductor: Christian Thielemann
Staatskapelle Dresden

More details

Christian Thielemann andStaatskapelle Dresden

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-10-25 21:50

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