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The twelve vocalists from Stile Antico will present polyphonic music composed prior to the 18th century with their fresh, vibrant and moving voices. Acclaimed as one of the world's top 20 vocal ensembles, Stile Antico will present two early music concerts, each on a distinct theme. Following Queen of Muses, Tenebrae Responsories will lead audience on a melodic journey of sacred Catholic music by Spanish Renaissance composer Tomás Luis de Victoria.

Victoria's Tenebrae Responsories is a set of 18 motets for Holy Week, with liturgical texts describing the harrowing experience of Jesus Christ. Known for its impeccable techniques and delicate, profound emotionality, the composition is considered the epitome of Spanish Catholic music of the period. Stile Antico has won great international acclaims for its interpretation of Tenebrae Responsories: Gramophone praised its vocal sound as "sumptuous throughout", and Boston Musical Intelligencer hailed its performance as one with "breathtaking control, precise execution".

Duration: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval

T. L. de Victoria: Tenebrae Responsories
F. Guerrero: O Domine Jesu Christe
T. L. de Victoria: O Domine Jesu Christe
F. Guerrero: Maria Magdalene

More details

Tenebrae Responsories

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-10-19 21:50

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