The Macao Consumer Council and Zhuhai Association for Consumers' Rights and Interests Protection co-tested boxed tissue and sanitary napkins earlier, all samples from Macao meet the requirements of the testing standard, consumers can visit websites of both consumer organizations to check the result.
A lot of consumers do cross-border shopping in recent years, the Macao Consumer Council and Zhuhai Association for Consumers' Rights and Interests Protection therefore co-operate to conduct tests and monitor the quality of products in both markets for the safety of consumers.
All samples from Macao are fine
Boxed tissue and sanitary napkins are daily necessities, the two consumer organizations co-tested 46 samples of boxed tissue and sanitary napkins, only 1 napkin sample from Zhuhai failed to meet the test requirement, results of all samples of boxed tissue and sanitary napkins from Macao are satisfactory.
No fluorescent brightener found in boxed tissue
The 12 samples of boxed tissues all pass the requirements of softness, brightness, water absorbency, etc., fluorescent brightener that may cause irritation or allergy has not been found, the testing of the total number of bacteria count and pathogenic bacteria is also satisfactory.
There is no obvious difference between the final score regarding the hygienic condition and quality of boxed tissue but most of the samples do not contain enough product information, including the origin, total count and tissue size.
Beware of water in sanitary napkins
Sanitary napkins is made of ingredients such as cotton and pulp, they are prone to bacteria growth when there is too much water, the test result shows that all 12 samples of tissue and sanitary napkins are fit in this area but differences are found in the water absorbency of these products; results of bacteriological examination for all samples are also satisfactory.
Consumers may visit the Council’s website (www.consumer.gov.mo) to check the report in details, and check the cautions included inside.
The Zhuhai Association for Consumers' Rights and Interests Protection has also announced the test result on its website.
Co-operation between consumer organizations in Greater Bay Area
The Consumer Council states that strengthened co-operation between consumer organizations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area will be carried out, the Council will deepen current co-operation and explore more opportunities for all parties to create a more convenient and assuring consumer environment to consumers in the Area.
Website link of the co-test report on the quality and hygienic condition of boxed tissue and sanitary napkins (Macao samples) (Portuguese version):