In order to explore the development in teaching and learning in countries along the Belt and Road countries and other regions, to share the developments in higher education quality assurance and facilitate the enhancement of quality in higher education in Macao, Macao Polytechnic Institute once again joined forces with the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) to organise the 10th Higher Education International Conference on Innovation and Developments in Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance. Over 40 experts and scholars in higher education coming from the United Kingdom, Portugal, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries and regions gathered in Macao to explore factors affecting the quality of higher education, and share the trends and developments in the quality assurance in teaching and learning. More than two hundred instructors, researchers and students from local higher education institutions attended the seminars and shared their experience with the experts enthusiastically. Many academic achievements were attained.
The 10th Higher Education International Conference on Innovation and Developments in Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance was held on November 21 at 9:30 am at the Lecture Theatre 1 of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, Wui Chi Building. The opening ceremony was officiated by Professor Jianxin Zhang, President of Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN); Mr. Ian Kimber, Director of Universities, Quality Enhancement and Standards of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) from the United Kingdom; Professor Alberto Amaral, President of the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) from Portugal; Mr. Albert Chow, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) from Hong Kong; Professor Sheelagh Matear, Executive Director of the Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA) from New Zealand; and Professor Im Sio Kei, President of Macao Polytechnic Institute.
In his welcoming speech, President Im said that for the past ten years, quality has been MPI’s topmost priority. MPI has insisted on organising international conferences which have attracted more than 200 quality assurance experts and scholars in higher education from all over the world to publish their papers, and attracted more than 1,000 professors, experts and students from higher education institutions to gather in Macao for academic exchanges, and to discuss the emerging trends and concepts in quality assurance. President Im pointed out that MPI’s core value is to provide high quality education. MPI will continue to fulfil its commitment to excellence in teaching, academic development and research, and to create a conducive learning environment for its students, to train quality professionals who are capable of contributing to national and regional economic development, particularly that of the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road countries.
At the opening ceremony, Professor Jianxin Zhang, President of APQN congratulated the successful convening of the conference on behalf of 222 member organisations from 40 countries. APQN has been co-hosting this international conference with MPI for the past four consecutive years. The events have provided a platform for discussion and brainstorming of ideas, which also generated by-products relating to “teaching” and “learning” which ultimately contributed to the enhancement of quality in higher education. President Zhang praised MPI for being a leader and pioneer amongst APQN members, for which, MPI was awarded the “Best Internal Quality Assurance Award” in 2015 and in 2017. She mentioned that during the 3rd Board meeting, the possibility for awarding the first APQN Asia-Pacific quality label on accreditation on student learning outcomes (SLOs) to MPI was discussed. This further affirms the achievements of the Macao Polytechnic Institute.
At the seminar, Professor Jianxin Zhang introduced the “Exploration on Asia-Pacific Quality Label on Student Learning Outcome”; Mr. Ian Kimber, Director of Quality Improvement and Standards of the UK Higher Education Quality Assurance Bureau, shared the “Innovation in Assuring the Quality of Teaching and Learning – The Changing UK Landscape”; Professor Alberto Amaral, President of the Portuguese Institute for Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation, talked about “New Challenges and Trends in Quality Assurance”; Mr. Albert Chow, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, discussed “Differentiated Accreditation Approach and Online Programme Accreditation: A Driver for Quality Enhancement” Professor Sheelagh Matear, Executive Director of the Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities, talked about “Evolving Quality”. The speakers and the participants from the audience exchanged views and the academic achievements were rich.
By imparting knowledge of theory and practice, MPI has always been committed to nurturing talents in culture, technology, and practical skills. In the scope of higher education, MPI is active in fostering cooperation and exchanges between Macau SAR and other regions. With that aim, MPI has been organising the higher education quality assurance international conference every year which allows MPI to achieve higher education goals, to continuously enhance teaching staff, to explore and discuss latest trends in higher education with experts and scholars from home and abroad, and promote international exchanges and collaborations. The seminar was held for two days. Over forty scholars and experts from higher education quality assurance presented papers. Over 200 people including faculty staff members and students from local higher education institutions attended the conference. They actively engaged in discussions to explore emerging trends and new developments in quality assurance in teaching and learning.