Applications for the “Cultural Ambassadors Programme — Mascot Design Contest”, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) and co-organized by the Macao Illustrators Association, are now open. The winning design will become the mascot of the Programme and promote the image of “cultural Macao” with the cultural ambassadors. Submission of works is open from 3 December 2018 to 18 January 2019. All interested parties are welcome to participate.
The “Cultural Ambassador Programme”, which consists of the “Seed Project” and the “Endorsement Project”, is launched by the Cultural Affairs Bureau close by all social levels through various means, in order to enhance the participants’ knowledge on Chinese tradition and local culture and their sense of pride and belonging. The cultural ambassadors will take the mission of promoting Macao’s cultural knowledge and humanistic concepts, actively disseminating and promoting the culture of Macao. The “Mascot Design Contest” is a pilot project of the “Cultural Ambassadors Programme”. The winning design will become the mascot of the Programme and promote the image of “cultural Macao” with the cultural ambassadors. Applicants can apply as an individual or a group (with a maximum of three persons) and must meet the following requirements: must hold a valid Macao SAR Resident Identity Card and be aged 18 or above by the submission deadline; must be the designer of the mascot. Each applicant may apply either as an individual or as part of a group. The members of the adjudicating panel and the staff of IC involved in the Programme are not allowed to participate in the Contest.
Certificates and prizes will be awarded to the winner, two special prizes and two finalist prizes, in the following amounts: thirty thousand patacas (MOP30,000.00) for the first prize winner; ten thousand patacas (MOP10,000.00) for the special prize winners; and five thousand patacas (MOP5,000.00) for the finalist prize winners. For details of entry requirements, selection criteria, announcement and production of the mascot, contest rules, as well as application regulations, please visit and download at the Cultural Affairs Bureau website (www.icm.gov.mo/pec).
The deadline of submission is 18 January 2019. Applicants can submit entries in person or through a representative to the Macao Illustrators Association, located at Avenida do Almirante Lacerda, Edifício Industrial Yau Sek, 9 Andar B2, Macau, from Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 6:30pm. The original Macao Resident Identity Card of the applicants or of their representatives must be presented when submitting the documents. Entries must be submitted on or before the deadline; late submissions will not be accepted.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Loi of Macao Illustrations Association through tel. no. 6222 8233 or staff member of IC, Ms. Sio, through tel. no. 8399 6473 during office hours or email to moillopower@gmail.com.