The Consumer Council announced the annual assessment result of “Certified Shops”, 1,040 shops passed this year’s assessment and are awarded the 2019 “Certified Shop” emblem, over 800 shops are graded B or above, and 13 of them are graded “Class A Certified Shops”. The Consumer Council awarded the “Class A Certified Shops” on a ceremony held on 5th December and encouraged all shops participating in the mechanism to continue doing business with honesty and integrity to make Macao a safer and better shopping environment.
Improvements seen in annual assessment passing rate
About 1,300 shops were assessed and evaluated in 2018 and 83 percent of them passed the annual assessment, which is about 10 percent more than last year. The Council indicated that the passing rate is maintained even though assessment requirements and monitoring measures are being revised and improved annually shows that the monitoring, training, and guidance of the Council on “Certified Shops” are effective, and that most “Certified Shops” are able to make improvements according to the assessment requirements help enhancing the quality of the “Certified Shop” team.
Quality improvement in “Certified Shop” mechanism
The “Certified Shop” mechanism has been launched for almost 20 years, the Consumer Council aims to better the mechanism both in quality and quantity by co-operating with economic organizations and providing in-person services to “Certified Shops”, a result of almost 100 shops have joined the mechanism in 2018 using these services. For the quality, the Council continues to revise and improve the assessment standard for the enhancement of services and other quality of “Certified Shops”, the “Code of Practice” established for various industries are used to achieve professionalism for “Certified Shops”, a total of 19 “Code of Practice” have been established for better operation in all kinds of industries. The Council will develop more “Code of Practice” gradually aiming at building a trusted and harmonious relationship between consumers and businesses.
Continuous improvement measures taken
The retail and service industries are both important elements in building theWorld CentreofTourismandLeisure, and in the multi-destination travel policy in the co-operation between cities in the Greater Bay Area, “Certified Shops” participating in the mechanism work to gain consumers’ confidence by achieving better grades, the Council also ensures effective consumer protection measures are carried out among “Certified Shops” and enhances shops’ competitiveness through the promotion of the “Certified Shop” emblem to citizens and tourists.
60 Consumer Arbitration Centre Consultants awarded certificates
60 experts and representatives from different organizations are also awarded certificates for their continuous support as consultants of the ‘Consumer Arbitration Centre’ during the award ceremony.
Guests attending the annual ceremony include Arbitration Judge of Consumer Arbitration Centre, Dr. Chan Io Chao, President of China Chamber of Tourism, Wang Ping, Secretary General of China Chamber of Tourism, Wu Guoliang, Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Consumer Council, Mr. Eddy Tong Chi-chung, Head of Consumer Education Division of Hong Kong Consumer Council, Ms. Carmen Ng Ka-man, Consumer Arbitration Centre Consultations, as well as members of the General and Executive Committee of Macao Consumer Council.
Attachment: list of 13 ‘Class A Certified Shops’