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Cultural Affairs Bureau presents a series of activities celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Pig

Let’s Celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Pig

In order to welcome the Chinese New Year and celebrate this occasion with the public, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) organizes the “Let’s Celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Pig” which includes a series of performances, workshops and exhibitions, among others.

During the first three days of the Lunar New Year (from 5 to 7 February), a series of activities will be held. The Drum Art Society of Shanxi Province and Ethnic Art Troupe of Hunan will present “New Year Gong and Drum Performances” at various locations on the Macao Peninsula and in the Island District, celebrating the Spring Festival with its unique ethnic rhythms. In the afternoon, Anim’Arte NAM VAN will host the “Chinese New Year Activities 2019” , where the public will be able to enjoy the performances of artistic troupes from Hunan and Shanxi Provinces. There will be activities and stalls for the display of intangible cultural heritage handicrafts at the same venue. A lion dance performance will be presented at the Mandarin’s House, while Chinese New Year concerts will be staged at the Lou Kau Mansion and at General Ye Ting's Former Residence.

In order to create a festive atmosphere, IC will also hold several workshops. On 2 and 3 February, “Couplets Workshop” sessions will be held at the Mandarin’s House, where calligraphers will offer New Year blessings to visitors in Chinese calligraphy. From 2 to 10 February, the “Chinese Zodiac Card Colouring Workshop” will be held at the Jao Tsung-I Academy, promoting Chinese culture close by the public.

In addition, a series of concerts will be presented in various districts, including the concerts “Music in the Library” and “Mesmerising Austro-German Music” by the Macao Orchestra to be held on 26 and 27 January, at the Taipa Library and the Dom Pedro V Theatre, respectively; as well as the “Community Involvement with Music – 2019 Spring Concert” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra, to be held on 1 February at the Pak Wai Activity Centre.

The exhibition “Oneness: Calligraphy by Professor Jao Tsung-I” will be held at Jao Tsung-I Academy from 26 January; while the exhibition “Prayer & Blessing - Exhibition of Chinese New Year Wood-block prints of Shanxi and Hunan Provinces” will be open to the public at Chun Chou Tong Pavilion in Lou Lim Ioc Garden from 1 February. In addition, a number of large-scale exhibitions are currently held at the Macao Museum of Art, including the exhibitions “The Shanghai School of Painting – Collections of the Palace Museum” and “Masterpieces of Russian Art from the State Tretyakov Gallery”, which run until 10 March and 22 April, respectively, allowing the public to appreciate valuable works. On 10 February, the MAM also organizes the activity “Family Art Sunday”.

Several sessions of the activity “New Year Family Reading Session” will also be held at the S. Lourenço Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Children's Library in Areia Preta Urban Park, Taipa Library, Ilha Verde Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Library in Luís de Camões Garden, Patane Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Library in Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Municipal Park. Interested parties can participate on-site.

Advance registration is required for some of the activities above. For more information, please contact IC through tel. no. 8399 6699 during office hours, or stay tuned to activities’ updates in IC’s webpage at, its official WeChat account “ICmacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

List of “Let’s Celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Pig”







Couplets Workshop

02/02 – 02/03

14:00 – 17:30

Mandarin’s House

Chinese Zodiac Card Colouring Workshop

02/02 – 02/10

10:00 – 18:00
(No admission after 17:30)

Jao Tsung-I Academy

Family Art Sunday *


14:30 – 15:30
16:00 – 17:00

Macao Museum of Art


Music in Library


17:15 – 17:35

Taipa Library

Mesmerising Austro-German Music #


20:00 – 21:15

Dom Pedro V Theatre

Community Involvement with Music – 2019 Spring Concert


20:00 – 21:00

Pak Wai Activity Centre

Chinese New Year Activities 2019

02/05 – 02/07

14:30 – 17:30

Anim'Arte NAM VAN

New Year Gong and Drum Performance


10:00 – 10:30

Iao Hon Garden

11:00 – 11:30

Barrier Gate Plaza


10:00 – 10:30

Barra Square

11:00 – 11:30

Rotunda de Carlos da Maia


10:00 – 10:30

Pak Tai Temple, Taipa

11:00 – 11:30

Eduardo Marques Garden, Coloane

Lion Dance Performance

02/05 – 02/07

15:00 – 16:00

Mandarin’s House

Chinese New Year Concert

02/05 – 02/07

15:00 – 16:00

General Ye Ting's Former Residence

02/05 – 02/07

11:00 – 12:00
15:00 – 16:00

Lou Kau Mansion


New Year Family Reading Session

01/26, 02/02

15:00 – 17:00

S. Lourenço Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Children's Library in Areia Preta Urban Park, Taipa Library, Ilha Verde Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Library in Luís de Camões Garden

01/27, 02/03

S. Lourenço Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Children's Library in Areia Preta Urban Park, Patane Library, Wong Ieng Kuan Library in Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Municipal Park


The Shanghai School of Painting - Collections of the Palace Museum

2018/12/19 –2019/03/10

10:00 – 19:00
(No admission after 18:30)
opens daily (including public holidays); closed on Mondays

Macao Museum of Art

Masterpieces of Russian Art from the State Tretyakov Gallery

01/19 – 04/22

Oneness: Calligraphy by Professor Jao Tsung-I

01/26 – 09/30

10:00 – 18:00
(No admission after 17:30)
(closed on Mondays)

Jao Tsung-I Academy

Prayer & Blessing - Exhibition of Chinese New Year Wood-block prints of Shanxi and Hunan Provinces

02/01 – 02/27

09:00 – 19:00

Chun Chou Tong Pavilion in Lou Lim Ioc Garden

* Those interested in participating the “Family Art Sunday” must register online between 28 January and 1 February through IC’s “Activity Registration System”. Website:

# Tickets for the concert “Mesmerising Austro-German Music” are available at the Macau Ticketing Network. Website:

No registration is required for the activities except for the activity “Guided tours for families on Sunday” and for the concert “Mesmerising Austro-German Music”.

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