Electronic counting of votes is again to be used in the process for selecting part of the membership of the Chief Executive Election Committee, in order to expedite the counting procedure.
The President of the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Chief Executive Election, Ms Song Man Lei, told the media after today’s Commission meeting that the decision was made after reviewing experience from the 2014 Chief Executive Election.
The Commission also decided that the June poll to choose a portion of the Chief Executive Election Committee would continue to use the same ballot boxes that had been featured in the 2014 election process.
Polling to decide part of the membership of the Chief Executive Election Committee is due on 16 June. The Chief Executive Election Committee will consist in total of 400 members. Once convened, it will elect a new Chief Executive.
Ms Song also told reporters that the Commission was analysing potential venues – including those used in the 2014 Chief Executive Election process – for the June polling. Considerations when selecting a polling venue included whether: it fulfilled legal requirements; it was big enough; it was sufficiently safe; and whether it could be conveniently reached by eligible voters.
The Commission has set up telephone hotlines and an email address for media enquiries concerning the upcoming Chief Executive Election process.