The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Chief Executive Election has today published the calendar for processes regarding formation of the Chief Executive Election Committee.
Speaking after today’s meeting, the Commission’s President, Ms Song Man Lei, told reporters that there would be an introductory session on 22 March regarding the election processes.
The polling day to choose part of the membership of the Chief Executive Election Committee has been set for 16 June. The 400-member Chief Executive Election Committee will subsequently elect a new Chief Executive.
According to the calendar for the June polling process for the Chief Executive Election Committee, legal-person voters (i.e. registered associations with voting power for the Chief Executive Election Committee) should – from 8 to 23 April inclusive – register their respective representatives. That refers to those people that will be authorised on the associations’ behalf to nominate candidates for the Chief Executive Election Committee.
From 8 April to 7 May inclusive, legal-person voters should submit to the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau their respective list of voters, i.e., those eligible to cast – on behalf of legal-person voters – ballots in the June polling.
During the period from 24 April to 7 May inclusive, candidates for places on the Chief Executive Election Committee should submit their respective candidature applications to the Electoral Affairs Commission.
Members of the Electoral Affairs Commission this afternoon met with officials of the Public Security Police Force and the Office for Personal Data Protection, regarding, respectively, vehicle traffic management around polling stations for the June polling process; and steps to maintain the confidentiality of personal data contained in election-related forms.