Yang Chao, a PhD student from the Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau (UM), received the Young Artist Grant under the China National Arts Fund 2019, in recognition of his creative research project.
This year, the CNAFreceived 3,243 applications for the Young Artist Grant. After a rigorous review process by experts, 375 applications were approved, accounting for 11.56 per cent of the total number of applications. Yang Chao’s research project aims to re-contextualise Jingdezhen ceramic art from a global perspective. It represents Jingdezhen ceramic aesthetics in a transnational context, through which the traditional and the contemporary are impeccably integrated. Previously, Yang received several major international design awards from renowned institutions, including iF, Red Dot, and A’Design. He was also among the 25 designers to be nominated for a national award for ten outstanding young designers in China in 2018.
Yang’s advisor, Distinguished Professor and Centre for Arts and Design Director Lampo Leong, says that the CAD collaborates closely with the Department of Communication and the Faculty of Education, with the aim of creating a high-level platform for international exchange and collaboration. Through interdisciplinary research and the training of professionals in arts, design, and creative media, the centre strives to promote innovation in the field of art and design in Macao. He adds that the integration of technology, art, design, and new media can help to promote the diversification of Macao’s economy and pave the way for developing Macao into a sustainable and competitive world-class tourism and leisure center.
Established by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the CNAF aims to nurture talented artists and designers in China. The Young Artist Grant is open to application by young artists aged under 40 from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, who are involved in 16 different areas of arts, including opera, drama, dance, music, painting, and design.