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Package tours and hotel occupancy rate for January 2019

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that visitors on package tours fell by 4.6% year-on-year to 766,000 owing to a decrease of 8.4% in the number of Mainland visitors (591,000); however, package tour visitors from the Republic of Korea (66,000), Hong Kong (16,000) and Taiwan (56,000) increased by 31.7%, 17.5% and 14.2% respectively.

Outbound residents using services of travel agencies rose by 7.5% year-on-year to 130,000 in January 2019. Among them, residents travelling under own arrangements expanded by 22.5% to 93,000, with those visiting Mainland China totalling 43,000 (45.8% of total), a surge of 37.2% year-on-year. Meanwhile, residents travelling on package tours decreased by 18.0% to 36,000.

There were 116 hotels & guesthouses operating at the end of January 2019, an increase of 2 year-on-year. Number of guest rooms grew by 4.9% year-on-year to 39,000, with 5-star hotel rooms rising by 9.5% to 24,000 (63.0% of total).

Number of guests of hotels & guesthouses in January 2019 rose by 5.6% year-on-year to 1,246,000. Guests coming from Mainland China (896,000) and the Republic of Korea (54,000) increased by 9.5% and 4.1% respectively year-on-year, while those from Hong Kong (96,000) and Taiwan (38,000) dropped by 5.8% and 5.6% respectively. The average occupancy rate of hotels & guesthouses stood at 93.0%, up by 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. The average occupancy rates of 5-star (94.9%) and 3-star hotels (94.7%) grew by 1.3 percentage points and 4.3 percentage points respectively, whereas the rate of 4-star hotels (90.5%) fell by 1.4 percentage points. The average length of stay of guests went up by 0.1 night year-on-year to 1.5 nights.

Detailed information is available in statistical tables and the Statistics Database on the DSEC website (

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