The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election, Mr Tong Hio Fong, said the Commission had accepted fresh supporting material submitted by four teams wishing to contest the direct election, that previously had faulty paperwork.
The acceptances of fresh supporting material meant a total of 25 teams, with an aggregate of 193 candidates, would contest the direct election of the sixth Legislative Assembly Election, due to be held on 17 September.
Following the latest submissions of information, the Commission posted on Wednesday (19 July) a revised general list of candidate teams. Provided the Commission received no objections to the list on or before Monday (24 July), the Commission would be able to announce on 25 July the general list of accepted candidates.
The Electoral Affairs Commission and the Commission Against Corruption would jointly hold a meeting on 24 July with the confirmed candidate teams, reminding them of relevant rules of conduct.
Mr Tong gave detailed information on Wednesday during a press briefing regarding the four teams with previously faulty paperwork. Two of the four teams – respectively “Cor-de-Rosa Amar a População” and “Linha da Frente dos Trabalhadores de Casinos” – each had two candidates that were not registered voters. The Commission had accepted – by way of substitution – two suitably qualified candidates from the “Cor-de-Rosa Amar a População” list and one from the “Linha da Frente dos Trabalhadores de Casinos” list.
The other two teams with previously faulty paperwork – “Ajuda Mútua Grassroots” and “Novos Ideais” – were respectively missing the identification details of candidates and a declaration statement from a would-be candidate. The Commission had accepted submissions by “Ajuda Mútua Grassroots” to correct its mistake. The “Novos Ideais” list had failed to correct its mistake or submit necessary document before deadline, and as a result the Commission had rejected as a candidate – in accordance with the Legislative Assembly Election Law – the sixth person named on its list.
Wednesday’s meeting also discussed an election-themed online game that had come to the Commission’s attention. Mr Tong said the Commission had referred the matter to the Judiciary Police for further investigation, amid concern that the nature of the game might breach the definition of campaign promotion as stated in Macao law. After analysis, the Commission thought the game – apparently scheduled to run until election day – might affect voters’ candidate preference.
The Commission urged members of the public to avoid taking part in the game in order to prevent personal data being leaked and contact information being disclosed; and in order to prevent any member of the public being exposed to the risk of legal responsibility.
An Executive Order issued on Monday (17 July) appointed the members of the General Audit Committee of the Legislative Assembly Election, a body responsible for auditing the votes. The General Audit Committee includes a member appointed by the Electoral Affairs Commission. Mr Tong said the Commission appointed its secretary-general, Ms Joana Maria Noronha, as one of the General Audit Committee members.