The Bachelor of Accounting programme of the Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) has successfully passed the Learning Programme Review conducted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). This marks the first degree programme in the field of accounting to have passed an international academic review in Macao. The panel gave very positive feedback to the programme regarding its teaching, academic development and research capabilities which together create an excellent learning environment for students. Having previously been accredited by professional bodies such as the CPA Australia and ACCA UK, this successful international review has highlighted the superb quality of higher education in Macao and is yet another demonstration of MPI’s excellence in teaching. Following this positive exercise, MPI’s academic endeavours will be further intensified to contribute to the nurturing of talents for Macao and neighbouring regions.
MPI’s Accounting programme adopts a practical approach and has always been popular with students from local and nearby regions, nurturing numerous talents who excel in the accounting field. With the strong support from the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macao, MPI commissioned the HKCAAVQ to conduct a Learning Programme Review to evaluate its Bachelor of Accounting programme in November last year. This exercise was conducted to ensure that the academic standard of the programme aligns with international benchmarks. The review was conducted by an international panel comprising six members from the University of Hong Kong, Singapore Management University, Deakin University (Australia) and representatives of HKCAAVQ, which was chaired by Professor Malcolm McVicar, Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Central Lancashire (UK).
After a comprehensive learning programme review including document reviews, site visit to campus and facilities and panel meetings with teachers, students, employers, industry representatives and graduates, the Panel concluded that the Accounting programme meets the ten accreditation standards and criteria including Programme Objectives and Learning Outcomes; Programme Content and Structure; Admission Requirements and Student Selection; Teaching and Learning; Student Assessment; Staffing and Staff Development for Learning Programmes; Financial and Physical Resources for Learning Programmes; Quality Assurance; Workplace Attachment and Student Support Services; Students Records and Information Management. HKCAAVQ concluded that MPI has an established management structure and processes, and a quality assurance system to manage and continuously review the operation of the Accounting programme. The programme has clear objectives and learning outcomes, which are aligned with the admission requirements, approaches used for teaching and learning, and student assessment. It is also supported by adequate financial and physical resources. It was demonstrated that the MPI's Accounting programme is comparable to a Bachelor’s degree programme of Hong Kong.
According to MPI, its Bachelor of Accounting programme aligns itself with international standards, noting that the programme obtained professional accreditations from CPA Australia and ACCA UK in as early as 2012 and 2013 respectively. Graduates of this programme are exempted from several professional examinations so as to assist them in gaining those qualifications necessary to become qualified accountants to serve at local and overseas organisations. The successful review of MPI’s Accounting programme lays a solid foundation for ongoing academic improvement. MPI will continue to uphold the principles of student-centredness and quality teaching, endeavouring to continuously improve teaching and learning quality in order to cultivate highly competitive professionals.