In order to further improve services, the Identification Services Bureau (DSI) officially launches the same-day certificate collection service on 11 April 2019. Citizens who have lodged the application by electronic means can pick up their certificate on the same day after successful submission of application. Besides, they can choose to collect the certificate at different service location of DSI.
Starting from today, eligible applicants who apply for the Certificate of Personal Data through the Internet or self-service kiosks or who apply for the Certificate of Association and Foundation online can collect their certificates on the same day as DSI receives the application. When lodging the application, they can choose to collect the certificate at the Identification Services Bureau at the China Plaza in Avendia de Grande Praia, the Government Services Centre in Areia Preta or the Government Services Centre in Islands District (Centro de Serviços da RAEM das Ilhas). The time of collection will be subject to the time of application and the collection location, details can be found at www.dsi.gov.mocertificate_e.jsp and www.dsi.gov.moasso_e.jsp.
For details about the online application for the Certificate of Personal Data and the Certificate of Association and Foundation, please visit the “Online Services” zone of DSI’s website (www.dsi.gov.mo/webservice_e.jsp). For details about the self-service application for the Certificate of Personal Data and the demonstration video, please visit www.dsi.gov.mo/eservice_cert_e.jsp.
For enquiries, please call DSI’s hotline (2837-0777 or 2837-0888) or email to info@dsi.gov.mo.