The period allowed for campaigning by the 350 candidates each seeking one of the places available on the Chief Executive Election Committee, will run from after the stroke of midnight on 1 June until midnight on 14 June.
Details regarding the two-week campaign period will be published in a new guideline, the second overall to be issued by the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Chief Executive Election.
Speaking to reporters today, the Commission’s President, Ms Song Man Lei, urged those standing to ensure promotional campaigns were conducted in line with the law. She added the Commission would provide a venue – with time slots allotted to individual candidates – so that each of the community sectors involved in the Chief Executive Election could promote their electoral campaign.
According to the general list of accepted candidates that was published on 16 May, there will be 350 candidates running for available places on the Chief Executive Election Committee. The polling to fill those places on the Committee will be held on 16 June.
As of today, there were more than 5,700 voters eligible to cast – on behalf of legal-person voters, i.e. registered associations with voting power for the Chief Executive Election Committee – ballots in the June polling. The Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau published on Friday (17 May) a list disqualifying the nomination of two individuals as voters. Those concerned can appeal against the Bureau’s decision on or before Wednesday (22 May).
The Chief Executive Election Committee comprises a total of 400 members, including those representing four community sectors and related sub-sectors. The constituted Committee will subsequently choose a new Chief Executive.
When asked by reporters, Ms Song stated the Commission had considered whether to introduce guidelines for campaign expenditure relating to the June polling for the Chief Executive Election Committee.
Ms Song told reporters that provisions in the Chief Executive Election Law regarding campaigning for the position of Chief Executive shall apply to campaigning for membership of the Chief Executive Election Committee, with appropriate adaptations.