Voters taking part in Sunday’s polling to choose members of the Chief Executive Election Committee are not allowed by law to reveal their polling preference. After voting, they cannot reveal their preference to others either at the polling station or within 100 metres of it.
The Electoral Affairs Commission for the Chief Executive Election issued the reminder on Thursday (13 June) as its members toured a display at the Macau Forum representing how a polling station will look on voting day. Macau Forum is to be used as one of the three polling stations for the voting on Sunday (16 June) to choose members of the Chief Executive Election Committee.
The Commission also issued a reminder that media workers were also prohibited by law from questioning voters – within 100 metres of a polling station – about their choice once they have cast their vote.
Speaking to reporters after reviewing the polling station display – that illustrated the arrangements for polling day itself – the Commission’s President, Ms Song Man Lei, said there were more than 5,700 voters – representing a total of 569 legal-person voters – eligible to vote on Sunday. To receive a ballot paper, each voter would have to show their appropriate identification document and information regarding their credentials for exercising the right of vote.
Voters are not allowed to use mobile telephones and other devices with recording capabilities inside either the voting booth or the polling station in general. Voters have to mark their choice by designated pen provided by the Electoral Affairs Commission. Should voters make any mistake on a ballot paper, they can ask officers on site for a new one. Voters are entitled to make such a request multiple times, in order to ensure the validity of their individual vote.
The three stations for Sunday’s polling are: the Macao Polytechnic Institute Multisport Pavilion (for the industrial, commercial and financial sub-sectors, and the education sub-sector), the Macau Forum (for the professional, sports and social service sub-sectors), and the Escola Luso-Chinesa Técnico-Profissional (for the cultural and labour sub-sectors). The polling stations are open from 9am to 6pm on Sunday.
Ms Song issued a reminder that voters should attend the polling station corresponding to the sub-sector they represented and for which they were allowed to choose a representative. She also urged voters to exercise their civic right on Sunday.
A polling station display set up at the Macau Forum will remain open until 7pm today. Visiting members of the public will be able to simulate the act of voting and so get a better understanding regarding the polling station setup and voting procedures