In continuous active support of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government’s scheme to optimize the accessibility of the urban environment in Macao, Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) participated in “Empathy‧Silent Journey”, a promotional activity organized by Macau Deaf Association on 4 July, to gain a deeper understanding of the rights and needs of the deaf and auditorily-impaired, and learn about methods and skills of communication with them through engaging in the interactive experience provided.
MGTO Acting Director Cheng Wai Tong, MGTO Deputy Director Ricky Hoi, MGTO Head of Training and Quality Management Department, Doris Leong and other MGTO staffers participated in the activity.
The promotional activity “Empathy‧Silent Journey” was held with the aim to encourage everyone, auditorily-impaired and able-bodied, to join hands in building an inclusive society with higher accessibility. MGTO staffers gained deeper insights into the rights and needs of people with auditory disability by hearing an introduction of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. By emulating ways of communication of people with auditory disability and going through experience scenarios, as well as learning about sign language and pertinent communication skills for interactive experience, participants could empathize with the needs of the deaf and auditorily-impaired, and learn about how different kinds of accessible facilities can assist their daily life. They also learned how to communicate and interact with deaf and auditorily-impaired people in simple ways.
As an international tourist city, Macao is striving to refine its tourist facilities and services to cater to different needs of travelers from worldwide. By organizing pertinent training activities and experiences, the Office endeavors to keep enhancing the service standard and quality of MGTO staff and tourism industry personnel, helping them to grow stronger confidence in attending to people with different needs. MGTO will continue to actively supportthe scheme of the Macao SAR Government to steer the urban environment towards higher accessibility, to enrich what Macao has to offer as an international destination and support the city’s transformation into a world centre of tourism and leisure.
MGTO organized an internal training session titled “Communication with people with disabilities” in 2018, and jointly presented the Seminar on “Effective communication with persons with disabilities towards a barrier-free environment” with an industry partner this March, besides their co-launch of an e-learning program for sign language. The above are part of the Office’s endeavors to create accessible tourism and work environments inclusive for the disabled and able-bodied together with the travel trade.