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Local actors step on stage Portraits of love and hatred

Fredric Mao

The Macao Cultural Centre, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents Dust to Dust, a new local theatre production to be presented in three shows at CCM’s Small Auditorium, running from September 20 to 22 (Friday to Sunday).

Directed by Hong Kong’s iconic master Fredric Mao and penned by prolific playwright Nick Yu, Dust to Dust is a love and hatred journey across time created as a tribute to the legendary dramatist and Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter. Performed in Cantonese, the play depicts an intense whirlpool of emotions blue printed after Ashes to Ashes, one of Pinter’s most influential plays. Adopting the British dramaturge’s baffling tone, Yu’s work stands as a metaphor for the lustful and passionate urges that incessantly take over people’s lives. Interpreted by six local actors, the play depicts the Chinese beliefs of reincarnation introducing characters across diverse moments in time. An entangled tale of two couples, whose paths meet repeatedly in four distinct situations.

This venture is the epilogue of an artist-in residence project launched by CCM last year and a great opportunity for local actors to take on a long term challenge as part of a professional production under the guidance of a master director.

Presented by CCM, Dust to Dust will be staged in three shows scheduled for September 20 to 22, at the Small Auditorium. Tickets will be available from July 28 (Sunday) at CCM’s box office and Macao Ticketing Network outlets, subject to various discounts. For further information on promotional offers and ticketing, please visit or call the credit card ticketing hotline on (853) 2840 0555.

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