The Chief Executive-elect, Mr Ho Iat Seng, today said he believed the Central Government would continue to support Macao in the city’s effort to pursue further economic and social developments.
Mr Ho made his comments to reporters at Macau International Airport, before flying to Beijing where he will receive tomorrow (Wednesday) the Order of the State Council confirming officially his appointment as the fifth-term Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region.
In his remarks to the media, Mr Ho referred to some guidance mentioned by Premier Li Keqiang in a State Council meeting held on 4 September.
The Central Government would fully support Macao in the implementation of: the “One country, two systems” principle; “Macao people governing Macao”; and the exercise of a high degree of autonomy; in the context of administration that was ruled by law, Mr Ho stated.
While meeting state leaders in the capital, Mr Ho would give an in-depth presentation to them on his political platform and policy vision, including top-priority tasks to be initiated when he took office, he told reporters.
Housing would be a key issue and receive top priority from the new-term government, Mr Ho said. There would be a focus on how to accelerate public housing provision in the new urban zone Area A; and a reopening of the mechanism regarding applications for public housing, the Chief Executive-elect added.
The Chief Executive-elect also mentioned his team would step up effort in reforming public administration.
Mr Ho said he had not yet made up his mind regarding the composition of his team. A list of names would be submitted to the Central Government in late October or early November.
Mr Ho added he understood the public’s curiosity regarding who would be either a Government Secretary or a departmental director under his administration. He stressed three major qualifications required in order for the Chief Executive-elect to consider appointing individuals to such positions: the person’s integrity; their ability to perform the required work; and whether he or she would be able to communicate effectively with members of the public.
Mr Ho returns to Macao on Thursday (12 September). He is being accompanied on his visit to the capital by the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Chan Chi Ping; and the Director of the Protocol, Public Relations and External Affairs Office, Ms Lei Ut Mui.