As part of the celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Macao International Fireworks Display Contest (“the Contest”) at its 30th edition this year, Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) organized the first Seminar of Designing and Producing Fireworks as one of the new program highlights this year.
The Seminar was held today (15 September) at Macao Contemporary Art Centre – Navy Yard No.2. At MGTO’s invitation, representative of the Contest’s pyrotechnic consultancy, Kim Moon Tong, and Chief Executive Officer of Pyromagic Multi-media Productions Limited, Wilson Mao, shared with around 50 participants the process of manufacturing display fireworks shells, preparations and safety concerns for the Contest, as well as essentials for fireworks appreciation respectively. The Seminar offered the public an interesting glimpse into the story and actual preparations behind the scenes of the extravaganza, as well as widened their knowledge about fireworks and the Contest.
Deputy Director Ricky Hoi remarked in his address that the Seminar aims to give the public a clearer picture of the preparations, challenges and the capabilities of the team to cope with different situations, making the Macao International Fireworks Display Contest thrive and last as an established brand. The Office will continue with an unyielding commitment to take this prestigious event of Macao to a new level of excellence and innovation, to reinforce the status of Macao as a city of events and propel its development into a world centre of tourism and leisure.
The Seminar began with an overview of fireworks presented by Kim Moon Tong, specifically the history, range of categories and manufacturing process, as well as arrangements and guidelines for fireworks shows under severe weather conditions. Taking the Contest as an example, Kim elaborated on the rundown and arrangements for a fireworks show, covering the theme, music, originality, launch sites and safety guidelines, etc. Participants could learn from different angles about the preparation process and the efforts it takes for the production team to create a pyrotechnic feast for the eyes.
Pyromagic Multi-media Productions Limited boasts wide experience in staging mega fireworks shows, including the fireworks show at Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay – Celebration in Macao, fireworks displays over Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong and in A Symphony of Lights – a multimedia show enlisted in the Guinness World Records, among others. During the Seminar, Kim Moon Tongand Wilson Mao shared about the keys to fireworks appreciation, besides leading an insightful exchange on the latest pyrotechnic technology and development trends. The experts also shared their experiences and stories about fireworks design and choreography of different multimedia fireworks shows.
To bring into limelight the dual celebrations of the year, MGTO has tailored a range of program highlights for the event and a diversity of outreach programs to spur strong interest and enjoyment in the Contest among local and foreign spectators. In addition to the Photo Contest and Student Drawing Contest, the contests of video production and poster design are newly launched this year. The Contest is spiced up with cultural and creative elements by way of several concurrent workshops and booth games. Through the above, MGTO hopes to foster the blending of tourism products with culture and creativity, thus steering the local cultural and creative industry forward.