The launch for TheBRICS-Lawyers’Guide to BRICS Texts and Materials, a new book co-authored by Professor Rostam J Neuwirth and Associate Professor Alexandr Svetlicinii from the Faculty of Law, University of Macau (UM), was recently featured at the BRICS Forum on the International Rule of Law held in Beijing.
The bookpresents one of the first collections of important texts and materials that have emerged from the cooperation among the BRICS member states. This compilation has been brought together with an intention to make these materials accessible for the convenient use by government officials, practicing lawyers and arbitrators, as well as scholars and students of international relations, business, economics, and law. The text comprises treaties, summit declarations by heads of state, ministerial declarations, declarations adopted by the BRICS Legal Forum and other official documents.
Held in Beijing from 7 September to 8 September, the forum was organised by CASS Institute of International Law and was supported by the Center for Publicity and Education of the Rule of Law and Public Law Studies, CASS Institute of Law, Legal Application Bureau, China Democracy and Law Press, Social Sciences Academic Press (China) and Beijing Yingke Law Firm. The event was attended by over 60 experts and scholars from public institutions, universities, research organisations, publishing houses, and law firms in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Portugal.
The book also includes a chronological presentation of the first decade of BRICS cooperation. It is available at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9996511170/ref=rdr_ext_tmb.