Macao SAR becomes the first member which passes all 40 FATF Technical Compliance Recommendations
Source: Financial Intelligence Office
Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG), the international organization on Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, published the Mutual Evaluation Follow-up Report (FUR) of Macao SAR in October. The report has been adopted by all APG members in August and has undergone a stringent ex-post review process by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and its global members, to ensure the quality and consistency of the evaluation standard.
In this latest APG Mutual Evaluation Follow-up Report, Macao SAR becomes the first member which passes all 40 FATF Technical Compliance Recommendations among all globally evaluated members at the moment.
The latest APG Mutual Evaluation Follow-up Report of Macao SAR (in English only) could be downloaded at the official websites of the Macao SAR Financial Intelligence Office (www.gif.gov.mo), APG (www.apgml.org) and FATF (www.fatf-gafi.org).