Members of the public are being invited to share their views regarding a proposed legal framework for urban renewal put forward by the Government, via a 60-day public consultation period that starts today.
In the consultation period, which runs until 9 December inclusive, there will be three general consultation sessions open to members of the public, and a further three thematic sessions.
The proposed framework and details of the public consultation process were presented on Thursday (10 October) by a joint group responsible for drafting the legal regulation related to urban renewal. The group is coordinated by the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan, and is composed of officials from the Legal Affairs Bureau, the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, and the Housing Bureau.
The aim of the public consultation was to hear opinion from members of the public regarding the general legal framework for the urban renewal work, said Ms Chan. The Government hoped the framework – taking into account the views of the public – would correspond to the practical needs of the Macao community and be easily workable, while balancing and taking into account the various interests within the community.
The matters on which the public are being consulted are consolidated in a single document. It covers six topics: 1) the concept, objectives and principles of urban renewal; 2) the urban renewal model; 3) protection for stakeholders; 4) percentage of property rights in relation to any replacement of existing buildings; 5) a regime for any required expropriation; and 6) the range of resolution mechanisms in the event of disputes.
The consultation document is available in either Chinese or Portuguese, on the website of the Macao SAR Government Portal (www.gov.mo); on the website relating to Macao’s legal frameworks (www.macaolaw.gov.mo); and on the websites respectively of the Legal Affairs Bureau, the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau, and the Housing Bureau.
Opinions and suggestions can be submitted online either via the Macao SAR Government Portal website, or the Legal Affairs Bureau website. Members of the public can alternatively submit their comments via either emailing the Government directly (info@dsaj.gov.mo); via fax (+853 28710445); or in person to the Legal Affairs Bureau (19th Floor of Public Administration Building at Rua do Campo).