The Social Security Fund (abbreviated to FSS in Macao) announced that as of 21 October, nearly 65,000 applications for withdrawal of funds from the individual accounts of the non-mandatory central provident fund system were received. In the first phase, 24,955 applications submitted by senior citizens aged 75 or older, those who have received disability pension from the FSS for more than one year and those currently receiving special disability subsidy from the Social Welfare Bureau have been approved. The funds will be transferred to the related bank accounts tomorrow (23rd October) and the FSS has started to notify the applicants by mail or by mobile text messages (SMS). In addition, approved applicants for fund withdrawal who are between 65 and 74 will receive the money on 27th November.
For information on the individual accounts of the non-mandatory central provident fund system, please visit the website of the FSS at, call the 24-hour interactive voice response hotline at 2823 0230, or call 2853 2850 during office hours for enquiries.