To further promote the community’s concern about integrity education, foster educational and professional exchanges and improve the quality of integrity education, the CCAC launches the “Integrity Lesson Plan Design Collection Activity” for all teaching staff and higher education students in Macao.
The activity is divided into the Open Group and the Student Group. The Open Group targets at teaching staff or professionals of Macao and the Student Group targets at students with a Macao BIR attending local higher education courses. Participants may submit their lesson plans individually or in groups of up to three persons. The lesson plans, expected to be unit-based and last for not less than two lessons, should embody the theme of integrity, which includes such spirits as honesty, non-greed, fair competition, law-abidingness and defending justice. A maximum of 15 Excellent Lesson Plans and 30 Commendable Lesson Plans will be selected from the Open Group and a maximum of 10 Excellent Lesson Plans and 30 Commendable Lesson Plans will be selected from the Student Group.
The rules of the activity may be viewed and downloaded at the web page “Integrity Lesson Plan Design Collection Activity” (http://app.ccac.org.mo/lessonplan) of the CCAC. The activity is open for enrolment from 15th January to 13th March 2020. The submission period starts on 23rd March and ends on 30th April. The winning list will be announced in July. For details please scan the two-dimensional barcode (QR code) of the aforesaid web page on the poster or contact Mr. Loi or Ms. Lee at phone no. 2832 6300.