Riccardo Vecellio Segate, an Italian PhD candidate in the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Law (FLL), has published research articles in three well-known international journals in the past 18 months. The three journals are Columbia Journal of Asian Law, Art Antiquity and Law, and Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.
Launched in 1987, Columbia Journal of Asian Law (CJAL) covers a diverse array of legal subjects in the areas of public and private law and publishes articles on the latest legal developments in Asian countries. Vecellio Segate’s article published by CJAL is titled ‘Fragmenting Cybersecurity Norms Through the Language(s) of Subalternity: India in “the East” and the Global Community’. The article examines how China, Russia and India negotiate cyber-security norms on cyber-terrorism, cyber-warfare, and cyber-espionage within formal and informal regional arrangements, especially the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. It also cites evidence to show India’s changeable stances on these issues.
Art Antiquity and Law is a quarterly journal targeted at those who value the cultural and historical environment. It tells those who work in the art and antiquity world about the laws governing their activities and the policies behind those laws. Vecellio Segate’s article published by Art Antiquity and Law is titled ‘Reconceptualising Musical Treasures in Italy, the EU and the World: The Functional Legacy of Performativity’. It builds on the concept of functionality to illustrate for the first time why musical instruments are a special category of cultural heritage in terms of protection policies and why ‘national treasure’ laws should protect them differently than it protects other tangible expressions of heritage in ancient and modern times.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJECL) serves academics and legal practitioners who want to stay informed about the latest developments and the challenges within the European Common Law (Ius Commune Europaeum). Vecellio Segate’s article published by the MJECL is titled ‘The Unified Patent Court and the Frustrated Promise of IP Protection: Investors’ Claims in (Post-)Brexit Britain’. It provides a wake-up call to British investors by arguing that the government of the United Kingdom has unlawfully and deliberately created expectations on certain categories of international investors in intellectual property, only to subsequently withdraw its promises and use Brexit as a pretext for such withdrawal. The journal
After completing his master’s studies at Utrecht University in The Netherlands, Vecellio Segate joined UM in September 2018 through the recently launched UM Macao Talent Programme. Within that programme, he was the first PhD student in the FLL to receive the UM Macao PhD Scholarship. Vecellio Segate is grateful to the university’s leadership—particularly Prof Billy So, vice rector of student affairs at UM—for their support. He is also grateful to his supervisor, Prof Rostam J Neuwirth, for his patient guidance.