The Government pledges there will be sufficient supply –during the entire month of May – of face masks under a designated scheme for purchase by the Macao public of such items.
The Government would review on a constant basis – according to developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the general supply of masks available for standard purchase in local shops – whether the designated scheme would be continued in June and beyond.
The remarks were made during a Tuesday (5 May) press conference held by the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Centre.
The Government said additionally it was engaging in discussions with the mainland authorities regarding mutual recognition of digital systems for health-status self-declaration by citizens, in place respectively on the mainland and in Macao.
As of Tuesday, Macao had not recorded any new COVID-19 case over the prior 27 days. The total of confirmed cases recorded in Macao stood at 45.
By Tuesday, a total of 39 patients had recovered from the disease after receiving successful treatment in Macao. The six patients remaining in the Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane were each described as being in a stable condition.
Of the 39 patients that had completed recovery, 10 had been discharged from hospital at an earlier stage of the novel coronavirus alert. Regarding the 29 recoverees treated more recently, 11 had also completed a 14-day period of post-recovery health monitoring at the Public Health Clinical Centre in Coloane. The other 18 were still undergoing such post-recovery monitoring at that facility.
All persons previously classified as having had close contact with confirmed COVID-19 patients had been appropriately managed and had already been cleared from monitoring.
As of Tuesday, there was an aggregate of 90 people undergoing relevant medical observation in Macao, distributed among several facilities: 76 were in hotels designated for that purpose; three were at Health Bureau premises; and 11 were staying aboard fishing boats that had returned to Macao amid a declared moratorium on commercial fishing.