In response to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, Macao Polytechnic Institute showcases its excellence in the research and studies of "One Country, Two Systems" and has launched the "Basic Law Online Lecture" Series, with a close eye on the hot topics during the pandemic situation and the significance of the "Macao Basic Law" in the fields of politics, economy and society, to name just a few. The high-quality Online Lecture Series aims to bring "Macao Basic Law" closer to the Macao residents, college teachers and students as a means of self-improvement at home.
In the area of the Constitutional Law and Basic Law studies, the professional research team of the MPI “One Country, Two Systems” Research Centre has accumulated a good number of publications and academic achievements. The Centre introduces online lectures for the convenience of Macao residents to access and learn about the Basic Law remotely during the time of the pandemic. The Series features four online lectures. The first lecture by Xu Chang will discuss "The Characteristics, Practice and Enlightenment of the Macao Basic Law" via its origin, intention, and the way it compliments and reinforces the social characteristics and practical needs of Macao as a constantly developing norm which safeguards the prosperity and development of the local community. Xu will explore how "Pandemic Prevention is Also a Defense of National Security" in the second lecture. The current pandemic does not only threaten our lives, but also directly jeopardizes biosecurity, economic security, social security, public security and even national security. In the third lecture, Li Yanping will review the changing and continuing condition of "The COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Public Life and the Basic Law". Social isolation might seem to be effective, yet it could only be a temporary measure as life has to go on and a total lockdown seems impractical. There are always reasons and needs to go out. As urbanites are accustomed to freedom and rights, how are social life and public life adapting to the pandemic situation from the perspective of the Basic Law? The fourth lecture, "The Focus of Macao's Economic Development Under COVID-19 Pandemic" by Che Sei Tak, will analyse corporate social responsibility, the importance of ensuring job security, the industrial vulnerability of Macao and ways to overcome it.
MPI’s "Basic Law Online Lecture" Series is now open for registration until 11 May 2020. Macao residents, college teachers and students, and interested parties are all welcome. The Series commences on 12th May for two consecutive weeks every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 pm. Registration is free with limited spaces and served on a first-come-first-served basis. Details and registration are available on the webpage: https://ipm.mo/ppqq. For inquiries, please contact Ms. Chan of the "One Country, Two Systems" Research Centre at 8399 8703.