Dr Andrian Liem, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, recruited under the UM Macao Talent Programme, has published an article on the mental health of migrant workers in Lancet Psychiatry, a renowned international medical journal (Q1, 2/142; JIF 18.369).
The article highlights the needs of migrant workers during the pandemic. Since its online publication in February this year, the article has been cited many times and has been covered by the South China Morning Post and World Economic Forum. Dr Liem also co-leads a longitudinal study in Greater China (Macao, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) to study the health and wellbeing of international migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The preliminary findings from this work has been included by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in a high-level UN policy briefing to advocate for a multilateral international mental health action plan in May.
Dr Liem graduated from the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland (which is ranked the 23rd in the world in the subject of psychology). He joined UM’s Department of Psychology in September last year to work with Prof Brian Hall and the UM Global and Community Mental Health Research Group on research related to migrant health in the Greater Bay Area of China. Dr Liem was selected as a fellow under the Emerging Psychologists’ Programme, a prestigious and competitive fellowship, at the International Congress of Psychology 2020, organised by the International Union of Psychological Science.