To raise the awareness of teenagers in consumer rights and related issues, the Consumer Council is organizing a 4-panel comic drawing competition and invites all local secondary students to enter the competition before the closing date on 25 September.
Using 4-panel comic drawing competition to promote consumer education in schools helps encourage local secondary students to explore different topics related to consumer rights, including the rights and responsibilities of consumers, sustainable consumption, attitude and techniques of sensible consumption, as well as how to apply the information and services of the Council to daily lives and be a smart and responsible consumer. The Council indicates that educational pieces had been received in the 2018 Competition and had been used as promotional materials. The Council believes in the infinite creativity of teenagers and hopes to receive quality pieces in this Competition, it also enables the Council to know about teenagers’ knowledge and requests regarding consumer rights through the contents of their art pieces.
Awarded pieces will be exhibited in the exhibition arranged by the Macao Consumer Council and Zhongshan Consumer Council to encourage interaction between teenagers in the two places.
The 4-panel comic drawing competition is open to all secondary students in Macao, entries painted by hand or on computer are both accepted. The Competition is divided into junior and senior groups, a champion, first runner-up, second runner-up and 5 merit prizes will be awarded in each category with prices of a trophy and cash vouchers worth $3,000, $2,000, $1,500 and $500 respectively.
Details and entry form can be found on the Council’s website (www.consumer.gov.mo).
For enquiry, please call 8988 9315.